Emergency Department Visits

AOD ED Visits in Los Angeles County

From 2005 to 2022 in LAC, there were 2,001,062 ED visits that listed any alcohol or other drug abuse, dependence, use, or poisoning as a diagnosis (AOD-related). AOD-related ED visits increased 185% from 2005 to 2016, plateaued from 2016 to 2019, then decreased 13% through 2022. In 2022, the annual total number of AOD-related ED visits was 131,365 cases (Figure 1). 

From 2005-2022, a total of 816,941 cases, or 41% of AOD-related ED visits, listed cannabis abuse, dependence, use, or poisoning as the principal diagnosis (primary). Primary AOD ED visits increased 105% from 2005 to 2016, plateaued from 2016 to 2019, then decreased 15% through 2022. In 2022, the annual total number of primary AOD ED visits was 48,448 cases (Figure 2).

Demographics of AOD ED Visits

Overall from 2005-2022 in LAC, adults aged 45-64 accounted for the largest proportion (31%) of AOD-related ED visits, followed by adults aged 26-34 (20%), 35-44 (19%), 18-25 (17%), and 65+ (6%) (Figure 3). Adults aged 45-64 remained the largest age group for AOD-related ED visits for the past two decades. In 2014, adults aged 26-34 surpassed adults aged 35-44 to become the second largest age group (Figure 4).

Primary AOD ED visits followed a similar age pattern as all AOD-related ED visits (Figures 5-6).

Any Mention


Males accounted for nearly two-thirds of AOD-related ED visits from 2005-2022. The gender gap decreased slightly over the period, as the proportion of AOD-related ED visits among females increased from 33.4% in 2005 to 36.5% in 2022 (Figures 7-8).

Among primary AOD ED visits, the gender gap widened, as the proportion among females decreased from 37.8% in 2005 to 33.7% in 2022 (Figures 9-10).

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Latinxs (41%) and Whites (31%) accounted for the largest proportions of AOD-related ED visits in LAC from 2005-2022, followed by Blacks (18%). AOD-related ED visits among Latinxs increased from 2005 to 2016 and remained high through 2022, while AOD-related ED visits decreased after 2016 among Whites and decreased after 2017 among Blacks (Figures 11-12). 

The race/ethnic pattern among primary AOD ED visits were similar to that of all AOD-related ED visits (Figures 13-14).

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Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI, formerly OSHPD), 2005-2022. Nonpublic Inpatient Discharge and Emergency Department data 2005-2022. California Department of Public Health.